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Why Get Fillers?
Fillers are FDA-approved injectables, that add subtle volume to the face. As we age, volume is lost from the face, and this becomes visible with laugh lines, thinner lips and hollow cheeks. Facial fillers restore this volume, acting as an inflatable cushion that fills in folds, lines and wrinkles. This produces a smoother, fuller and more youthful appearance.
Dermal fillers are also used effectively to 'plump' the lips and create an enticing, 'pouty' look.
Dr. Salas is proud to offer a range of FDA-approved fillers, and can tailor his treatment to your unique profile.
Procedure Details
The majority of fillers are form of hyaluronic acid (HA). This is a substance that naturally occurs in all mammals and can be safely produced in a laboratory. HA is critical to maintaining skin moisture levels, but unfortunately, levels decline as we age. The loss of our natural stores of HA, combined with a decrease in collagen levels, skin elasticity and facial fat, is what produces the fine lines and wrinkles that are characteristic of cosmetic aging.
Facial fillers help address all of these problems, and that is why they are such an effective cosmetic treatment. They restore lost volume and fill in wrinkles in areas of the face that have lost fullness. Also, the products are hydrophilic, meaning they attract fluid to the surface of the skin, giving it a fresh and supple appearance.
Because fillers are synthetic, there are tolerated very well and allergy testing is not required prior to treatment with facial fillers.
As well as being a good choice to counter aging, fillers are also used in lip augmentation, to produce plumper, more attractive lips. Lip enhancement has become more popular in recent years, but producing a natural, subtle result requires skills and finesse. Dr. Salas is very experienced with lip augmentation, and by choosing a board-certified plastic surgeon, rather a spa technician, you are ensuring the best outcome for your lips.
Dr. Salas is pleased to offer the following fillers:
Juvederm Restylane
Voluma Belotoro
Radiesse Sculptra
Juvederm, Restylane, Voluma and Belotoro are all forms of hyaluronic acid - HA products. They differ as to the 'thickness' of the product and how long it remains in the body. Which is best for you will depend on your personal goals for the treatment, and Dr. Salas will be glad to inform you during a consultation.
Radiesse differs from the others, in that it is a calcium based injectable filler. It is a particularly good choice for the back of the hand, where aging tends to cause visible volume loss. The injectable works by replenishing your natural levels of protein collagen, a substance that is slowly depleted over time. Collagen is behind skin's youthful glow and vitality, so Radiesse is a fantastic way to make 'older' skin, look and feel youthful and supple.
Preparation & Recovery
Since this is not a surgical procedure little preparation and recovery is needed. It is best to avoid any blood thinning medication the day of your appointment to prevent excessing bleeding and bruising.
After the procedure we will apply a cooling gel to the skin & give you an icepack to calm the area.
Prep & Rec
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